The P.S. to the L.P.
August 14, 2022
Join us for worship, prayer, and the tenth message in our series “Gospel Prayer” with Dr. Bob Mitchell.
Lead Us Not into Temptation
July 31, 2022
Join us for worship, prayer, and the eighth message in our new series “Gospel Prayer” with Dr. Bob Mitchell.
Take the Fifth
July 24, 2022
Join us for worship, prayer, and the seventh message in our new series “Gospel Prayer” with Dr. Bob Mitchell.
Bringing “Up There” Down Here
July 10, 2022
Join us for worship, prayer, and the fifth message in our series “Gospel Prayer” with Dr. Bob Mitchell.
Our Father, Who Art…Where?
June 26, 2022
Join us for worship, prayer, and the third message in our new series “Gospel Prayer” with Dr. Bob Mitchell.
The Who of the How
June 12, 2022
Join us for worship, prayer, and the second message in our new series “Gospel Prayer” with Dr. Bob Mitchell.