Show & Tell. We belong to the Southern California Quilt Guild Council and meet the second Tuesday of the month where we talk, eat, talk, give tips and information about quilting, talk, learn about each other, talk, have a great "Show and Tell," make plans for events and try to get some gabbing in.
Sew-In. On the third Tuesday of the month, we have a "Sew-In," which may include guest teachers or training by our guild members. We often have an emphasis on outreach.
Outreach Programs. We make "Security Quilts," which are given to the Idyllwild Elementary School for the nursing staff to use and to give to the students, to the Idyllwild Fire Department and others in need via the Idyllwild Help Center. Our 'Dress a Girl' program sends simple handmade dresses to girls in 3rd-world countries or in places of need. For example, a box of these dresses accompanied a member's son to Poland where he distributed them at a Ukrainian refugee camp.
Annual Drawing. Each year, we create an "Opportunity Quilt, " a quilt made cooperatively by our members. We sell tickets and award the winning opportunity number to the purchaser. The funds for this help support the guild. In the past, we held an annual quilt show in October but are taking a break from this.
Guests Welcome. Everyone is invited to our meetings and we always like to have new members. Starting in June, we meet on the following schedule:
Where: Fellowship Hall
When: 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Information. For more information about Mountain Quilters, our meetings, community outreach, and special events, email President Dawn Miller at Mountain Quilters of Idyllwild.