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- Ephesians 2:10
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- John 4:46-54
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- John 6:15-25
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- Luke 18: 9-14
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- Luke 2:1-7
- Luke 2:22-40
- Luke 2:25-35
- Luke 2:6
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- Luke 24:13-35
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- Luke 5:27-35
- Luke 5:33-39
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- Mark 9:14-29
- Mark 9:2-8; 14-19 selected
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- Mattew 19:16-22
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- Matthew 13:24-43
- Matthew 14: 13-21
- Matthew 14:1-11
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- Matthew 17:19-21
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- Matthew 25:14-30
- Matthew 4: 23-25
- Matthew 4:1-7
- Matthew 4:17
- Matthew 4:4a
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- Matthew 7:24-27
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- Numbers 13:24-14:4
- Numbers 14: 1 - 9
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- Philippians 3:13-14
- Philippians 3:7-14
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- Psalm 90:12
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